Thursday, August 28, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Acne and Acne Care Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

3 Super Tips For Getting Rid of Acne Fast
By Marcel Stephenson Platinum Quality Author

In a desperate effort to get rid of acne, most teens and young adults who experience their first acne outbreaks, usually will have a "knee-jerk" reaction and do a couple things they should not be doing in the first place.

Most start attacking their pimples by squeezing the life out of them. But, contrary to popular believe, this will only make their acne worse.

Others run for the drugstore and buy a few different skin creams and acne treatments, take them home and go crazy using all of treatments at the same time. Why do you think most of these acne products have caution labels on them?

In most cases these products will only irritate your skin and make your life more difficult.

1. Work From The Inside Out.

Pimples are only a symptom of what's going on inside of your body. You can squeeze your pimples until you are blue in the face or buy whatever acne treatments you want to buy and not get rid of your acne.

If you want to get rid of your acne fast you have to treat your acne from the inside first.

2. Diet Plays A Role.

Diet does play into how severe the acne outbreaks can become and actually feed the pimples. Junk foods and unprocessed foods are going to create more wastes for your body to eliminate.

Acne begins from the inside then works it's way out through your skin pores. The sweat is mixed with bacteria the body is trying to eliminate. This sweat is then mixed with dead skin cells that clog some of the skin pores. When the pores are impacted like this, pimples are the result. Simply put, the infected skin pores are the acne.

What you eat does affect your acne. Your skin needs the same nutrients as the rest of your body, otherwise it will not be in healthy shape. When you consider what junk food really is made of, it makes sense that it certainly is not helping your acne condition.

3. Treating the Symptoms.

There are many acne products on the market for treating the symptoms of acne. Start off by using natural acne treatments to eliminate your acne. If you are going to use medications read the warning labels carefully, since many of them can irritate your acne. In other words make sure it is suitable for your skin type.

Getting rid of your acne quickly is not just about doing one thing. Rather it involves treating your acne internally as well as externally. Keep all of this in mind and your acne will be gone forever in no time at all.

For more amazing tips on how you can get rid of acne super fast Click Here Be sure to download a FREE Copy of acne cures and myths by going to: